What is Aerobic Fitness?

Mar 08, 2024By Dhwanit Garg
Dhwanit Garg

Aerobic fitness is the ability of your body to use oxygen efficiently during sustained physical activity. It is also known as cardiovascular fitness, cardiorespiratory fitness, or endurance. Aerobic fitness is important for your health and well-being, as it can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and some cancers. Aerobic fitness can also improve your mood, energy levels, and cognitive function.

How do you measure aerobic fitness?

One way to measure aerobic fitness is by using the VO2 max test. VO2 max is the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use per minute during exercise. It is expressed in milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute (ml/kg/min). The higher your VO2 max, the more aerobically fit you are. The average VO2 max for healthy adults is about 35 to 40 ml/kg/min, but it can vary depending on age, gender, genetics, and training.

Another way to measure aerobic fitness is by using the heart rate reserve (HRR) method. HRR is the difference between your maximum heart rate (MHR) and your resting heart rate (RHR). MHR is the highest heart rate you can achieve during exercise, and it can be estimated by subtracting your age from 220. RHR is the lowest heart rate you have when you are awake and relaxed, and it can be measured by taking your pulse for a minute before getting out of bed in the morning. HRR reflects how much room you have to increase your heart rate during exercise, and it can be used to calculate your target heart rate zones for different levels of intensity. For example, a moderate intensity zone is 50% to 70% of your HRR, and a vigorous intensity zone is 70% to 85% of your HRR.

How do you improve aerobic fitness?

The best way to improve aerobic fitness is by doing regular aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is any physical activity that increases your breathing and heart rate for a prolonged period of time. Examples of aerobic exercise include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, dancing, and playing sports. To get the most benefits from aerobic exercise, you should follow these guidelines:

- Frequency: Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic exercise per week. You can also do a combination of both. You can spread your exercise throughout the week or do it in shorter bouts of at least 10 minutes each.

- Intensity: Choose an intensity level that suits your current fitness level and goals. You can use the HRR method or the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scale to monitor your intensity. The RPE scale is a subjective measure of how hard you feel you are working on a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 is no effort and 10 is maximal effort. A moderate intensity level corresponds to an RPE of 5 to 6, and a vigorous intensity level corresponds to an RPE of 7 to 8.

- Duration: Start with a duration that you can comfortably complete without stopping or feeling exhausted. Gradually increase your duration as your fitness improves. For most people, a duration of 20 to 60 minutes per session is sufficient for improving aerobic fitness.

- Type: Choose an activity that you enjoy and that suits your preferences, abilities, and availability. You can also vary your activities to prevent boredom and overuse injuries. Try to include some weight-bearing activities, such as walking or jogging, to strengthen your bones and muscles.

- Progression: To keep improving your aerobic fitness, you need to challenge your body by increasing the frequency, intensity, duration, or type of your exercise over time. However, you should not increase more than one variable at a time, and you should not increase more than 10% per week. You should also listen to your body and adjust your exercise accordingly if you feel any pain, discomfort, or fatigue.

What are the benefits of aerobic fitness?

Improving your aerobic fitness can have many benefits for your physical and mental health. Some of the benefits are:

- Lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels

- Improved blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity

- Reduced body fat and weight management

- Increased muscle strength and endurance

- Enhanced immune system function and resistance to infections

- Decreased inflammation and oxidative stress

- Improved mood and self-esteem

- Reduced anxiety and depression

- Enhanced memory and learning

- Delayed cognitive decline and dementia


Aerobic fitness is the ability of your body to use oxygen efficiently during sustained physical activity. It can be measured by using the VO2 max test or the HRR method. It can be improved by doing regular aerobic exercise that follows the principles of frequency, intensity, duration, type, and progression. Improving your aerobic fitness can have many benefits for your health and well-being, such as reducing the risk of chronic diseases, improving your mood and cognition, and increasing your quality of life.